Academic Awards - Late Applications
Applications are due 10 Days before ACEF Meetings. Apply electronically (email) or by regular mail. Applications are reviewed by the ACEF Trustees.
Late Applications are Due at least 1 day prior to the ACEF Meeting for the ACEF Academic Awards. Applications received less than 10 days before the meeting are late and may or may not be considered for an award (Check the date of the next meeting as Meetings are usually held in April and at Fall Homecoming as appropriate).
These awards are available to Cornell University Undergraduate Brothers of the Alpha Delta Phi in 'Good Standing,' and living in the chapter house who met the requirements of their college for the Dean's List and who took at least 13 credit hours in that semester. Awards range up to $500 and may be based on financial need (at the discretion of the Trustees).
Applications Require the Following:
A) A copy of the applicants CU transcript and
B) An independent verification of living in the house during the subject semester from either 1) a senior house officer and/or 2) an officer of the ADPhi Inc Alumni Organization and
C) Verification from the undergraduate Treasurer and/or President or an officer of the ADPhi Inc Alumni Organization that the undergraduate is "In Good Standing" financially and ethically with the Chapter. Applying undergraduates cannot be in arrears on any house bills, be on academic probation, or be in any unresolved University judicial review.
Remember, it is your responsibility to assure that the application is complete and contains all the required information.
Applications should be completed and sent electronically to: Both and . Please retain an original of your Transcript. Request a confirmation of receipt.
By Regular Mail to: Ron Schaefer, ACEF Treasurer, P.O. Box 5376, Plainfield, NJ 07061 - Allow adequate time for the mail to arrive before the due date. Retain a copy.
Late applications may be considered for reduced Awards at the Trustees' discretion.
Howie Schaffer, of the Alumni Corporation, has requested that the undergraduates handle submissions without using him as the intermediary.
Best regards,
Steven Ritchey, President
Ron Schaefer, Treasurer
and all the Trustees
Adelphic Cornell Educational Fund